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Friday, August 27, 2010
Port Dickson
ermmm..lame sgt duk kt sini, rase da xtahan nk tinggal lg lame kt sini. Ermm..klu ikotkan dapat la chow dari sini ujung tau ni, tp xda rezeki plak..uuwwaaaaa T________T
sal la dgn aku ni. nk berubah tp xda semangat pon. daa jew benda yang menghalang pe aku nk buat..yallah kuatkan semangat aku untuk menempuh idup yang penuh cabaran ni..aku xnk tewas di tgh jalan.. Di PD aku dpt byk kenangan yang indah2..jumpe kwn yang sgt2 baik dgn aku, rindu btl dgn kwn yang da habis belajar dlu.. kenangan dgn korang xkn aku lupa..see yaaa
Posted by amy at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 21, 2010
A factory in Russia.. Believe it or not?
Human parts processing factory (like sardines)
A factory in Russia harvesting kidneys, eye corneas and other human body parts for sale.
Bodies are collected from drunk drivers who died in car accidents, people staying alone who had frozen to death in the cold winter, criminals on death row or unexplained death and unclaimed bodies. Some body parts and bones are sold to Univer siti es in various parts of the world. Leg bones are exported to pharmacies in Ireland and Germany to make tooth-fillings which is popular in Europe .
Other than Russia , India is also known to harvest human parts for export ]
What a shocking trend!!
Friends be very very careful, when you go out in public & also do not hang around with people you have just met. Avoid going about alone at night. This can happen to both females & males too. Also thought is being given to the child who passed away at the Kuliyapitiya hospital recently whose body was found minus some organs at the mortury !
Stay close to your little ones, kids as they are easiest to be grabbed into a vehile & taken away. There was a mention of a human body parts factory in India too. They may well have associates over here too.
So for what it's worth to be careful of you & your family.
Posted by amy at 12:05 AM 0 comments